
Is organic wine the future?

Once there was a time when people, both in the wine trade and the general consumer, would actively avoid organic wines.

When organic wines first appeared on the market in the 1980s, only a handful of niche producers dedicated growing space to organic production. However, organic wines have been steadily gaining popularity ever since.

Sulphites are commonly used by many producers to preserve wine. However, when wine is labeled ‘organic’ you can take it that the application of this chemical is minimal to zero.

Thanks in part to an increase in the number of talented young winemakers actively seeking out organically grown grapes to make their wines from, and a coincidental rise in beards, tortoise shell glasses, farmers markets and small wine bars, organic wines are finally carving out a niche for themselves. And drinkers are reaping the rewards.

An organic wine is a wine made from grapes that have been grown without the use of artificial or synthetic chemicals, such as herbicides and pesticides. To keep the weeds and bugs at bay, organic farmers work with nature, rather than against it, by boosting their vineyard’s biodiversity.

For example, they introduce cover crops to provide a habitat for beneficial insects that are the natural enemy of problem species, or have small sheep graze between the vine rows, eating the grass and weeds. In this way, the vineyard becomes a self-regulating, natural ecosystem, which is able to combat problems intrinsically and eliminates the need for artificial, and potentially toxic, chemicals.

“Wine makers say it’s better for the quality of wine. It’s a purer taste with more sense of the terroir, because you replace pesticides with labour, you have hands-on care for the vines and you improve the composition of the soil and you get back all the life — the microbes, insects, bees and worms that you need in agriculture.”

Company Montespada began to produce Organic wines in Veneto region on 2015 and in two year will finish certification of all Sardinian wines.
“We choose to produce Organic wine becouse it is a Future of wine”, said Albertini Roberto director of company.